
Venture Capital.
No Math.

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Do Better Deals

We built PrefStack.com to make the venture capital financing process accessible to everyone. For the experienced fund manager, our suite of tools enables fast, accurate, and consistent financial modeling, deal syndication tracking, term sheet generation, and post-close company monitoring. For those who might have come to venture from a non-financial background, our application incorporates all the levers available to you as a venture capital investor, allowing you to translate intent into action. For the company C-suite executive, we want to show you how venture capitalists see the world, allowing you to focus on the things that matter most to your business.

Our platform allows you to model out Series A to E equity rounds and up to five debenture rounds. After entering premoney valuations, investment amounts, and parameters such as anti-dilution provisions, participation, and liquidation preferences, we’ll calculate interest and/or dividends accrued, new options, share price, and the number of shares to issue to each investor at each round. Based on this information, we'll then generate a term sheet outlining your deal. We also allow you to determine how sensitive an investor is to various company valuations based on their prior and current investment. You can allocate options on custom vesting schedules and at any strike price. On exit, we’ll show you the multiple and absolute return each share class and shareholder can expect and their sensitivity at various exit values, and calculate payouts for optionholders. PrefStack allows you to see the venture capital financing process from every perspective so you can do better deals.

Financial Modeling
Syndication Tracking
Term Sheets
Deal Flow
Portfolio Reporting

From Incorporation to Exit

  • Setup Your Company

    Start by entering your company's founding shareholders and share allocations, plus any common shares reserved for option issuances. Alternately, import a capitalization table as a .csv file, or manually enter prior financing rounds.

  • Enter Financing Details

    Enter up to five equity and five debenture financing rounds and specify distinct features of each. Optional tips will guide you through the financing process.

  • Allocate Investment Amounts

    Enter investors and investor amounts and we’ll calculate the share price and number of shares to allocate to each investor. If you have convertible securities, they can be included in the financing round, and you can increase the size of the option pool based on a defined post-money percentage.

  • Analyze Valuation Sensitivity

    Model a range of company valuations to understand how premoney value affects fully diluted ownership percentages.

  • Generate Term Sheets

    Autofill an equity or debenture term sheet, complete with pre- and post-money capitalization tables, based on the NCVA/CVCA/NACO model documents and export it as a Word document for additional edits.

  • Allocate Options

    Allocate options to management and key employees on custom vesting schedules and at any strike price.

  • Evaluate Exit Scenarios

    Enter exit amount and date and we’ll calculate the return per share class and shareholders based on the distribution waterfall. If you’ve allocated options, we’ll show you the return per optionholder, net of exercise costs. You can visualize exit amounts over a range of valuations so you can see the impact of liquidation preferences and share characteristics on each shareholder.

We’ve included additional features to help with fundraising, dealflow, and investment monitoring.
Get in touch to learn more or sign up below.

Feature Comparison


Company Models
Equity Rounds per Company
Series A
Series A to Series E
Series A to Series E
Debenture Rounds per Company
Tranches per Round
Premoney Sensitivity Analysis
Option Allocation
Absolute Returns
per Shareholder, Share Class, Share
per Shareholder, Share Class, Share
Return Multiples
per Shareholder, Share Class
per Shareholder, Share Class
Exit Sensitivity Analysis
Export Cap Tables and Returns
Excel, Copy
Excel, Copy
Equity Term Sheet
CVCA / NVCA / Custom
Debenture Term Sheet
NACO / Custom
Syndication Tracker
Optionally Share Company Profile
View Profiles by Industry, Geography
Quarterly, Customizable



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about how we work with funds